The LORD said to Moses...Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
But Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
Exodus 4:12-13
I can relate to this whole discussion between good ole Moses and the Almighty. God calls Moses out for this incredible plan... and Moses just can't see it going well. So he argues. He tries to reason with the Creator of the Universe who, by the way, has come to him in the form of flame- lit talking plant life. God is funny.
Moses is trying to wrap his Pharaoh-educated, shepherd-herding brain around what it was going to take to lead an entire people group to freedom. Whatever that something was, he just didn't think he it. Failure would not only embarrass him, it would also discredit the God he claimed to serve. In the face of this possibility Moses starts to say, "Thanks but no thanks. Please send someone else." He was comfortable in his ordinary tasks; sure that they fit his ordinary life.
I have thought about, planed, written, retitled, and sat with this blog for weeks, months, and (gasp) years now. I have made excuse after excuse. My shrubs did not speak, but I still managed to reason away every providential whisper, nudge and leading. No time. Need more confirmation. Looking for inspiration. Hasn't everything been said before?" Still, the "publish button" looms in the corner of the screen like an army of critical eyes ready to kill dreams and discredit faith. What will I say? How will I say it? How will people react? Will people react at all? I don't know exactly what will happen as I click that ominous button. Moe did not know exactly what would transpire when he crossed the sea bed in his sandals. I do know that the same God who rescued Moses as a baby in the river was with Him as He walked with His flock though the sea. That alone should be enough to wash my tiny excuses away.
OK. So, here I am Lord. Please send me.
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